Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Divided and Conquered - Part 3 - Conquered but not Destroyed

(Photo Source:
So when I came up with the title of this series of posts about division within the church and loving one another (Divided and Conquered - Part 1; Divided and Conquered - Part 2), I was very well aware of its implications when it came to how it may be perceived by other readers.

I know many people chafe at anyone saying anything negative about the church, while others are exactly the opposite, taking every opportunity to take potshots at the church when they can - and I'm talking about Christians in both groups. I take neither view when it comes to addressing issues within the church, for on the one hand I feel it is very important that we stop sugarcoating and glossing over all that we're completely off-the-mark about, and sometimes stark and blunt statements are necessary to get the point across; on the other hand, I see no point in opposing something without seeking a way forward to fix the problem. I'm a firm believer that it's far better to be for something than simply against something else; the reason why a lot of 'negative' activism without concrete, pragmatic solutions comes across to me as wasted effort that fixes nothing.