That is 98% of the reason why I haven't posted in a while. Another 1% is because I try to exercise wisdom in the timing of when I post, not to mention there is so much on my heart, and some of it is meant for only me, for now at least. What I mean by that is this: There is a lot I want to write about, a lot of things that come up in conversations, through observation, and things that are glaringly obvious, but I refrain because I feel like this site is not a place to air laundry or confront issues around me that I would better off deal with in a less public way. I have no intention of shaming anyone, nor in causing division, so when I feel that confronting an issue might risk causing division if I don't use great care, I usually opt not to post it right then. I'm not talking about mentioning people by name, but if someone I know says something off-kilter and I address the issue on here directly afterwards, that person could take personally what I said and feel attacked. Regardless of the rightness of my words, if I'm unwise in my timing and hurt another, what good is it? In such a situation, a more personal interaction would be wiser, more loving, and more appropriate. If I take Jesus' words seriously - and ignore all those who say 'don't worry about hurting others,' for they often lack wisdom and say too much - I have to take seriously not just what I say, but how I say it, and when I say it. (Who I say it to, and why I say it are also important...) This is a matter of my own heart, not just a dissemination of knowledge - which puffs up - so my motives and intent are just as important as what I say. So unless I feel as though I can say something in both love and wisdom, I will keep silent. We have far too many loud voices out there clanging like gongs and symbols, I refuse to take part in that nonsense - I want what I say to actually be useful and meaningful, of Christ and from my heart. So I remain silent when what I want to say will only make more noise...
The other 1% has to do with the reality that entertainment and distraction are some of the most stifling forces in our society, and I'm not immune either... More on that in a later post.
All of that to say that posting should resume in the relatively near future. I'm also considering starting up a podcast once things die down a bit, but I won't put the cart before the horse on that one. For now I'm waiting on a break in the busyness to pick up where I left off. And I'm also waiting on the right timing as to what I write about and when.